OPERACLICK – Quotidiano di informazione operistica e musicale

“The musical direction is entrusted to the young conductor Luca Ballabio, at the head of an excellent Rossini Orchestra of Pesaro, who shows that he masters the difficult Rossini score with full sonorities, homogeneity between the sectors and dynamic richness. Luca Ballabio has a conducting talent and demonstrates it not only for his mastery in coordinating the complexity of the whole but also for his profound reading of the score which is declined in a polysemic richness of phrasing, dynamics and agogic; moreover, the young conductor possesses the sense and the logical stability of the tempi’s decisions, always in line with a Rossinian reading which enhances at the same time a meditative côté and a more Dionysian one, without losing the centrality of the relationship with the scene. With these premises, there are all the credentials to enter the ranks of talented young conductors, in the hope that he will soon be able to face other Rossini’s titles.”

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